Posts Tagged ‘QoS’

Performance Analysis of RPL Protocols in LLN Network Using Friedman’s Test

December 16, 2020


This paper provides a comparison study of the quality services of RPL protocols in low-power and lossy networks (LLN). We evaluate and compare our proposed protocol which is an extension of RPL based on Operator Calculus (OC), called RPL-OC, with the standard and other RPL variants. OC based approach is applied to extract the feasible end-to-end paths while assigning a rank to each one. The goal is to provide a tuple that containing the most efficient paths in end-to-end manner by considering more network metrics instead of one. Further, to address some significant issues of the performance analysis, a statistical test has been performed in order to determine whether the proposed protocol outperforms others or not by using Friedman test. The results show that there is a strong indication that four different protocols were analyzed and compared. It reveals that the proposed scheme outperforms others, especially in terms of end-to-end delay and energy consumption which allow ensuring quality of services requirements for Internet of Things (IoT) or smart city applications.

Index Terms—RPL, Routing, LLN, IoT, Friedman Test.

This paper has been already accepted on the Symposium on Solutions for Smart Cities Challenges 2020 (SSCC 2020) in conjunction with The Seventh International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IoTSMS 2020), Paris, France, December 14-16, 2020. Accepted papers will appear in the IoTSMS Proceeding and to be submitted to IEEE Xplore for inclusion. And in addition, this paper is one of the Workshops Best Paper Nominees. However, due to pandemic Covid-19, the conference is transformed into an online virtual conference.


Screenshot of Workshops Best Paper Nominees (Taken from the Opening Slides of keynote speaker)

Screenshot from the virtual conference.

Colmar, 16 December 2020

Implementasi dan Analisis Kualitas Layanan VoIP Pada Jaringan Ad hoc Peer-to-Peer

April 15, 2012

Tri Angga Bagus Susanto1, Abdusy Syarif2, Abdi Wahab3

Teknologi VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) adalah sebuah teknologi komunikasi data yang sangat memungkinkan percakapan suara dengan memanfaatkan media jaringan komputer atau jaringan paket Internet Protocol (IP). Pada umumnya, implementasi VoIP menggunakan jaringan Local Area Network (LAN) atau Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) atau juga Intranet / Internet. Singkatnya, dibutuhkan sebuah infrastruktur untuk dapat mengimplementasikan VoIP. Namun pada penelitian ini akan digunakan jaringan ad hoc peer-to-peer dan akan dilakukan pengukuran serta analisis terhadap kualitas layanan VoIP. Jaringan Ad hoc peer-to-peer adalah sebuah metode yang memungkinkan bagi perangkat keras nirkabel untuk berkomunikasi secara langsung dengan yang lainnya tanpa ketersediaan infrastruktur jaringan. Dalam skenario pengujian digunakan beberapa perangkat keras (seperti laptop, komputer dan telepon seluler), sistem operasi (Windows, Linux Ubuntu, dan Android) dan perangkat lunak softphone yang berbeda (seperti 3Cxphone, Ekiga, Qutecom, Sjphone, X-lite). Dari hasil penelitian dapat dilihat bahwa teknologi VoIP dapat diimplementasikan walaupun tanpa dukungan infrastruktur, yaitu dengan memanfaatkan jaringan Ad Hoc peer-to-peer. Dari hasil pengukuran dan analisa beberapa parameter yang diamati, didapatkan hasil untuk rata-rata delay adalah sebesar 20,54 millidetik, dan throughput sebesar 0,081 Mega Byte/detik, sedangkan banyaknya paket per-detik adalah 94,3842 paket.

Kata Kunci: voip, ad hoc, peer-to-peer

Insya’Allah paper ini akan dipresentasikan pada Seminat Nasional SNATI 2012 di UII-Yogyakarta pada tanggal 15-16 Juni 2012.