Archive for the ‘Algorithm & Data Structure’ Category

Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm

November 6, 2018

Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm, Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm, Fast Elitist Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm, NSGA, NSGA-II


The Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm is a Multiple Objective Optimization (MOO) algorithm and is an instance of an Evolutionary Algorithm from the field of Evolutionary Computation. Refer to for more information and references on Multiple Objective Optimization. NSGA is an extension of the Genetic Algorithm for multiple objective function optimization. It is related to other Evolutionary Multiple Objective Optimization Algorithms (EMOO) (or Multiple Objective Evolutionary Algorithms MOEA) such as the Vector-Evaluated Genetic Algorithm (VEGA), Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA), and Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy (PAES). There are two versions of the algorithm, the classical NSGA and the updated and currently canonical form NSGA-II.


E-book : Functional Python Programming

March 9, 2018

Buat yang mau belajar bahasa Python….

Silahkan unduh ebook Functional Python Programming.

Karena satu dan lain hal, link tautan hanya berlaku hingga tanggal 10/03/2018 jam 23:59.

Ayoo buruan….

Algoritma Pemrograman & Struktur Data : Linked List

April 16, 2012

Kali ini kita akan mendiskusikan tentang struktur data ‘Linked List’. Silahkan unduh materi studi disini.

Algoritma Pemrograman & Struktur Data : Stack

April 16, 2012

Stack atau tumpukan adalah sebuah struktur data dimana data hanya dapat diisi atau dimasukkan dan diambil dari satu sisi saja. Stack bersifat LIFO (Last In First Out). Berikut materi tentang ‘Stack’ bisa diunduh disini.

Algoritma Pemrograman & Struktur Data : Pointer

April 15, 2012

Kali ini kita akan mendiskusikan tentang Pointer. Untuk materi silahkan unduh disini.

Contoh kode program C++ yang menggunakan ‘pointer’.

using namespace std;

int main()
int a = 50; // initialize integer variable a
cout<<“Value of ‘a’ = “<<a<<endl; // show the output of a
cout<<“Memory address of ‘a’: “<<&a<<endl; // show the address of a

int * b; // declare an integer pointer b
b = &a; // transfer the address of ‘a’ to pointer ‘b’
cout<<“Value of Pointer ‘b’: “<<*b<<endl; // show the output of *b
cout<<“Content of Pointer ‘b’: “<<b<<endl; // show the content of *b
cout<<“Memory address of Pointer ‘b’: “<<&b<<endl; // show the address of *b

int **c; // declare an integer pointer to a pointer
c = &b; // transfer the address of ‘b’ to ‘c’
cout<<“Value of Pointer ‘c’: “<<**c<<endl; // show the output of **c
cout<<“Content of Pointer ‘c’: “<<c<<endl; // show the content of **c
cout<<“Memory address of Pointer ‘c’: “<<&c<<endl; // show the address of **c
return 0;


Algoritma Pemrograman & Struktur Data : Array

April 14, 2012

Kali ini kita kan membahas tentang array atau dalam bahasa Indonesianya larik. Silahkan unduh materi disini.

Algoritma Pemrograman & Struktur Data : Tipe Data

April 14, 2012

Materi ppt silahkan download disini.

Algortima Pemrograman & Struktur Data : Pendahuluan

April 7, 2012

Materi ppt silahkan download disini.