Archive for the ‘Hobbies’ Category

Music Cover: Bohemian Rhapsody

August 23, 2019

Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I’m easy come, easy go
A little high, little low
Anyway the wind blows, doesn’t really matter to me, to me

Selamat Pagi…Good Morning…Guten Morgen…Bonjour.
Hanya untuk menyalurkan ‘my hobby’….So I made this music cover.

A low-cost guitar amp

February 13, 2019

I have made some cover with only using my guitar, cables, and open source software such as Guitarix virtual amp and Audacity on my Linux machine. With a little bit effort and no need to big some money to make your own home studio recording. Today, with the increasing of technology in hardware and software, and of course the Internet, we can make our own music studio in your home or even in your room and start to ROCK. 😀  (more…)

Jammin’ with Zyda

December 6, 2018

Sejak SMP saya mulai suka musik. Waktu itu, didepan warung ibu saya, selalu menjadi tempat nongkrong anak2 muda sebaya saya. Ada salah seorang teman tetangga yg pintar bermain gitar. Mereka nyanyi sambil kongkow-kongkow di kursi panjang kayu buatan bapak saya. Suatu ketika saya ikut duduk sambil mengambil kursi dan bergabung bersama mereka. Teman saya ini senang dengan lagu-lagunya Iwan Fals. Saya perhatikan bagaimana teman saya bermain gitar, memetik senar gitar dan memainkan kunci-kunci (chords) gitar. Telinga ini ingin terus mendengarkan suara gitar. (more…)

Install Odoo 11 on Ubuntu 16.04

September 15, 2018

Hi Guys. I will share with you the easiest installation guide of odoo 11 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. And EXPLORE AMAZING NEW FEATURES OF “Odoo 11″. To know What’s New in Odoo 11, just >>> Click Here <<

Step 1:  Update apt source list

sudo apt-get update

Step 2: Install Updates

sudo apt-get -y upgrade


Home Music Studio

May 12, 2018

Liburan musim semi kemarin, saya mencoba membuat home music studio di rumah dengan memanfaatkan PC. Kebetulan di rumah ada beberapa peralatan musik seperti gitar, piano, launchpad dan drum. Karena saya mempunyai hobi musik, walaupun tidak profesional, sekedar untuk menghibur diri dan mengekspresikan mood. Mimpi punya real studio music belum terwujud… 🙂 Maka home music studio adalah solusi alternatif  low cost yang dapat saya buat. Dengan berbekal sedikit effort dan skill ngoprek-ngoprek di mesin Linux, PC di rumah bisa disulap menjadi home music studio.

SOLVED : Install Matlab R2015a 64bit on Ubuntu

November 30, 2017

In order to do my research project, I need to install Matlab on my Ubuntu machine. So…here is step-by-step how to install Matlab R2015a (64 bit) on my Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit. (more…)

SOLVED : Bluetooth speaker in Ubuntu 14.04

November 6, 2017

I’m running Ubuntu 14.04 on my Asus S550C. I just bought a bluetooth speaker Anker SoundCore Mini. Then I try to connect my bluetooth speaker to my laptop. In fact they’re connected, but no sound comes out from my bluetooth speaker, I’m unable to reproduce any sound from this bluetooth speaker.

I stumble upon from some forums and websites, but did not solve that issue. (more…)

Flashing my smartphone

April 16, 2016


These last few days, my smartphone has some serious problems. So I decided to reinstall and upgrade the Android system by rooting the device. 😀

After browsing and reading from forums, here are the steps that I did.
I put my device in fastboot mode (power off, then press the power and volume down buttons simultaneously).
On my desktop, in my case I used Ubuntu, open a terminal, and go to the directory where I installed the Android SDK tools (or make sure ‘fastboot’ is in your $PATH). (more…)

Porting & Instalasi Android Pada Devkit8000

January 20, 2012

Porting & instalasi Android pada board Devkit8000 adalah sebuah tantangan yang menyenangkan. Berikut saya ‘share’ sedikit pengalaman saya ketika poritng & install Android pada Devkit8000.


Yamaha Majesty

December 5, 2010

Since I saw this scooter (Maxi Scooter), I really like it. If you wanna know about this scooter, you can visit this link.