Posts Tagged ‘tcl’

NS-2: WSN with obstacles

May 29, 2017

This is the tcl script for simulating a Wireless Sensor Network with some obstacles in the target area.


NS-2 : Tcl Script for Antnet Project

January 17, 2012

This is my tcl script for simulating Antnet routing protocol in wired network running on ns-2.34 using 14 nodes.


TCL Script for AODV-UU in Ad hoc Hybrid Network

March 27, 2011

Here is my TCL script to running AODV-UU in ad hoc hybrid network scenario using NS-2.34 and AODV-UU-0.9.6. (more…)

TCL Script for My NS-2 Project

January 19, 2011

This is my simple tcl script for our project research by using NS-2.34. In this project, we are going to combine 2 protocols, AODV+ and R-AODV,  our proposed protocol called AODV-UI.

Here is the tcl script.
