Archive for the ‘Tutorial’ Category

Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm

November 6, 2018

Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm, Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm, Fast Elitist Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm, NSGA, NSGA-II


The Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm is a Multiple Objective Optimization (MOO) algorithm and is an instance of an Evolutionary Algorithm from the field of Evolutionary Computation. Refer to for more information and references on Multiple Objective Optimization. NSGA is an extension of the Genetic Algorithm for multiple objective function optimization. It is related to other Evolutionary Multiple Objective Optimization Algorithms (EMOO) (or Multiple Objective Evolutionary Algorithms MOEA) such as the Vector-Evaluated Genetic Algorithm (VEGA), Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA), and Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy (PAES). There are two versions of the algorithm, the classical NSGA and the updated and currently canonical form NSGA-II.


Share Internet Connection via Bluetooth on Ubuntu

December 5, 2017

I’m running Linux Ubuntu 14.04 on my laptop and I would like to share my internet connection via bluetooth.
What I am looking for is the following: (more…)


November 13, 2017

The instruction is valid for Matlab version R2007b.

First dowload and save grTheory toolobox (save it in Tools): Open the Matlab and go to the File/Set Path and click on the Add Folder. Insert the path to your grTheory toolbox.  (more…)

Odoo : Premiers Paramétrages

November 9, 2017

Nous allons installer notre premier module. Assurez vous d’avoir une connexion internet car les modules seront téléchargés.

Je vous conseille de commencer par la comptabilité, même si vous ne comptez pas utiliser Odoo pour faire votre compta. Cela nous permettra de poser nos valises et d’aller plus loin dans les premiers paramétrages du système. Et puis sans compta, il n’y aurait pas de société !  (more…)

Instalasi WKHTMLTOPDF dan Permasalahannya

October 10, 2017

Untuk Anda yang menggunakan Odoo versi Community, seringkali memiliki kendala atau permasalahan pada tampilan pdf. Hal ini pada umumnya dikarenakan WKHTMLTOPDF pada sistem operasi Linux yang tidak kompatible dengan library bawaan Linux. (more…)

Step-by-Step : Install Odoo 9 on Ubuntu 14.04

June 2, 2017

Here is our experience how to install Odoo 9 on Ubuntu 14.04 (Desktop or Server), step-by-step.

Step 1: Before begin the installation
Make sure your Ubuntu has all the latest versions & patches by doing an update:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade


SMS Forwarder

May 13, 2012

A couple weeks ago I was trying to find how one mobile phone could act like a router or a switch. It could forward all incoming SMS or messages to another mobile phone. Because I have a problem with my phone. After a few days I was searching by googling, then I found this useful mobile application for Symbian OS. It’s called SMS Forwarder.

Most mobile communication operators provide call forward service. But few of them provide SMS/MMS forward. If you look for a solution to solve the problem, SMS Forwarder is the answer.

A Tutorial : Build "Hello, World" in Android

February 9, 2012

In this document

Installing VoIP Server less than 1 hour!

January 19, 2012

Most of poeple already know VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). Nowadays people always want to get connected each other. The cheapest way to communicate is using VoIP. A lot of vendors provide VoIP services. However you could build your own VoIP server for your own purpose with only less than 1 hour! How can be?  (more…)

Sistem Operasi : Remastering Linux

October 29, 2011

Kali ini mari kita mencoba membuat (remastering) Linux sesuai keinginan kita. Banyak sekali petunjuk yang tersedia pada Internet mengenai ‘remastering Linux’ baik yang berbahasa Indonesia maupun yang berbahasa Inggris.

Berikut beberapa link tentang ‘remastering Linux’:

Silahkan bagi teman-teman yang mau mencoba dan belajar teknik ‘remastering Linux’ bisa mencoba salah satu link di atas.